My AI Presentation to Leeds, My AI Book to Auckland

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Tony Boobier
by Tony Boobier

I recently had the opportunity to speak to a group called AI Tech North, based in Leeds UK, who asked me to discuss some of the broader issues relative to Advanced Analytics and AI.

Here’s a recording of my YouTube presentation which lasts about 20 minutes.

Another speaker followed and we finished off this lunchtime session with a Q & A. The feedback was good, thankfully. Here’s a selection…

    • “The simplicity of the presentation. Clarity…. The Slides showing the key points.”
    • “Professionally produced Relevant content Just the right length”
    • “*High-level, strategic insight from Tony “

One amusing element was that I agreed to provide a signed copy of my second book ‘Advanced Analytics and AI : Impact, Implementation and the Future of Work’ as part of a competition, which the organisers ran on Twitter.

The winner turned out to come from Auckland, New Zealand and so, true to my word, a signed copy has now been duly despatched to him.

We toyed with the idea of sending a digital link but I decided to send a hard copy, on the basis that (to the best of my knowledge) I don’t have any physical copies of my book in New Zealand. I could be wrong.

By way of explanation, I told the organisers that it was a privilege to publish one book, let alone three books, and if someone had told me that part of the personal cost to me would have been that of the postage to New Zealand, then that would have still been a good bargain.

So I know that my books are now physically in Europe, US, Latam, China, Africa and now in New Zealand. I’m sure that there are a few more places besides that.

It’s a nice achievement to have under the belt.



Tony Boobier